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Only You Bouquet

Only You Bouquet
ID# BF383-11K
Product Description - Only You Bouquet

Celebrate all the time you have shared together in love this year with a beautiful gift of flowers. The Only You Bouquet is hand arranged with romantic flowers including red roses, pink asiatic lilies and pink alstroemeria. Have the pink and red flower bouquet delivered to a work or home to let her remember how much you care. Includes:  •  Pink Asiatic Lilies  •  Red Roses  •  Pink Alstroemeria  •  Red Gathering Vase
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1. Please select your gift size:
Small $44.99
Medium $54.99
Large $64.99
2. Want to make it special?
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Latex Balloons - $3.00/ea
Chocolate - Based on size
Teddy Bear - Based on size
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